Mr. Richard Li

Chairman and Chief Executive of Pacific Century Group
Mr. Richard Li was appointed as Executive Director and the Chairman of PCCW in August 1999. He is the Chairman of PCCW’s Executive Committee and a member of the Nomination Committee of the Board. He is also the Chairman and Chief Executive of the Pacific Century Group, the Executive Chairman and an Executive Director of HKT Limited (HKT) and HKT Management Limited, the trustee-manager of the HKT Trust, the Chairman of HKT’s Executive Committee and a member of HKT’s Nomination Committee, an Executive Director and the Chairman of Pacific Century Premium Developments Limited (PCPD), the Chairman of PCPD’s Executive Committee, a member of PCPD’s Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee, the Chairman and an Executive Director of Singapore-based Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited (PCRD), and the Chairman of PCRD’s Executive Committee. Mr Li is an Independent Non-Executive Director of The Bank of East Asia, Limited. He is also a member of the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ International Councillors’ Group in Washington, D.C., and a member of the Global Information Infrastructure Commission. Mr Li was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Cable & Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia in November 2011.