Global Classroom
Executive MBA students can complete global electives at Kellogg partner schools abroad, where homegrown faculty share rare insights into local business, culture and politics. Scenery and national anthems will vary, but the same philosophy and top-tier education unites the students and faculty in all our programs in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the America.
The world is your classroom
The Kellogg-HKUST Executive MBA program brings leaders together in an intellectual quest that encompasses six continents. The journey is enriching, distinguished by fresh insights and valuable new networks.
Learn more about our global classroom by exploring our key locations below.
* The global elective locations and courses are tentative and may be subject to change.

Chicago, U.S.
Evanston Campus
Live-in courses:
- Negotiation Strategies
- Strategic Crisis Management
- Strategic Decisions in Operations
- Marketing Analytics
Global Elective Courses:
- Human and Machine Intelligence
- FinTech Strategy: Innovations in Financial Services
- Entrepreneurial Selling
- Leading High Impact Teams
- Business Strategy, Behavioral Biases & Deep Uncertainty
- Winning with Networks

Vallendar, Germany
WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management
Global Elective Courses:
- Business Tax Strategy
- Managing People for Competitive Advantage
- Entrepreneurial Finance
- Leveraging Collaboration for Innovation

Hong Kong, China
HKUST Business School
Global Elective Courses:
- Deal Making in China and Asia
- Understanding Consumers
- Value Investing

Toronto, Canada
Schulich School of Business
Global Elective Courses:
- Digital Strategy: Individual and Organizational Transformation for a Digital Age
- Mergers and Acquisitions Strategy
- Designing Brand Experiences
- Future Proofing Brands

Miami, U.S.
Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University
Global Elective Courses
- Global Corporate Restructuring
- Leading Organizational Transformation
- Creating and Managing Strategic Alliances
- Incentives, Strategy and Organization
- Marketing Analytics
- Strategic Decisions in Operations
- World Economy
- Strategic Marketing Decisions
- Selling Yourself and Your Ideas
- Family Enterprises: Success and Continuity
- Leader Development Models and Practices
- Strategy Beyond Markets
- Investment Banks, Hedge Funds and Private Equity
- Leading High Impact Teams

Beijing, China
Guanghua School of Management
- The New Era of Marketing in China
- The Political Economy

Lisbon, Portugal
Global Elective Courses:
- International Finance
- Strategic Brand Management

Bangalore and Delhi, India
Global Elective Courses:
- Tech Venture India

London, U.K.
Global Elective Courses:
- Strategies for Growth: London

Global Elective Courses:
- Strategies for Growth: Singapore
Remote Electives
- Marketing Analytics
- Strategic Decisions in Operations
- Advanced Negotiations
- The Business of Social Change
- Leading Product Organizations
- The New Era of Marketing in China
- The Political Economy