Dwi Suseno

Dwi Suseno

“The first thing I looked at when I chose an Executive MBA Program was quality. The quality of the fellow students, faculty and the curriculum in the Kellogg-HKUST program all exceeded my expectations. The curriculum has a nice blend of all aspects of business. The diverse student body makes the dynamic very interesting. I also found the class size of about 50-60 optimal. You do not want to be in a big class, otherwise you become a small fish in a big pond and the dynamics are not there. I benefited a lot from the global network of Kellogg and the week of classes in Israel was a real eye-opening experience for me. The thinking processes of my classmates there were unique. How they engage into business, how they make certain decisions; those were important and stimulated my own way of thinking. I will value the powerful network lifelong. Now, whenever I want to launch my products to a certain place or look to do some business in a new market, the first thing I will do is to contact my classmates.”

Group CEO and Executive Director
Golden Energy and Resources Limited
Office Location:
Class of:
